Trade In

  • Step 1:

    Reach out via Contact to share details of the Onewheel you'd like to trade in. Photos that show the condition, the odometer of the board, as well as any other necessary information.

  • Step 2:

    We will assess the value for the Onewheel that can be put towards another new or used Onewheel. (This price will also reduce the amount of tax owed on the new unit)

  • Step 3:

    You will receive a pre paid shipping label to send your board into Charged Canada. The board will be picked up from your home by one of our shipping carriers!

  • Step 4:

    When it is received, you will be notified when your new board is on its way! Enjoy your new Onewheel without the hassle of having to sell yours first!

But My Onewheel is Broken.... Can I still Trade it In?

Absolutely you can! We are always in need for boards that we can part out so that we can fix other Onewheels! Just reach out via the contact tab as each board is done on a case by case basis.

What If I Don't Want to Send My Onewheel In The Mail?

If you are in Southern Ontario, then plans to collect the board in person can be made! I totally understand that mailing your Onewheel can be a bit nerve racking. Thankfully in our 5 years of business we have not had a Onewheel go missing in the mail. We also have business insurance which covers shipping related issues

I'm Afraid I Won't Get As Much For My Board This Way

You are 100% right, I won't be able to give you as much for your Onewheel than if you were to sell it privately online. If you are looking to get the most amount of money for your Onewheel than I would suggest taking the time to clean it up and list it on Facebook Marketplace. The Trade in Program is a convenient way to get your new Onewheel. It may be good for those who live in rural areas where they can't sell their board locally, or those who just can't stand to wait to get on a new Onewheel!